Saturday, June 12, 2010

She's Painting Again!!

I went to a meeting of a group of artists last night and had a great time! I met some of the nicest women. I hear that there are two men in the group but they didn't come this time. We had oil painters, mixed media artist and watercolor artist. One lady brought a gorgeous quilt she had made. Now I am really inspired! Monday night I will go to the Watercolor guild meeting at the art center in Wooster. I got lost going and coming back to my little country home. I took my GPS, my Mapquest printout and written instructions but still got lost. Obviously, I made it back home.  Yesterday I painted and this is my first version of my white iris.  I have an updated version with more color added to the background.  Thanks Gina!

1 comment:

Autumn Leaves said...

Absolutely beautiful iris, Norena. You must so love coming home to your little cozy nest!